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Everything posted by pusewicz

  1. moje kosztowały 40 funtów
  2. Cześć Szukam dobrych gogli, o niskim profilu. Jak dotąd znalazłem: ESS Advancer V-12 http://www.epsgoggles.com/products/viewpro...tail.php?prod=3 i Bolle Raid http://www.sevsafe.co.uk/acatalog/Bolle_Ta...html#aA_2fBRAID Nadają się do airsoftu? Jakieś inne propozycje? PS. Jak sie robi miniaturki zdjec?
  3. Dostępny na eHobbyAsia Based on WE-Tech patented A.W.S.S. (Advanced Weaponry Simulator System) platform New Version 2 Feature -- Steel made Nozzle -- Dual O-Ring Sealing -- Provide better performance of air sealing Features: - Full Metal Aluminium Body (No Marking) - Except Stock & Pistol Grip, this AEG is entirely metal - Over 470FPS Velocity Muzzle - Functional Metal Bolt Carrier (Activation / Deactivation Lever located on top of the magazine) - Bolt hold when magazine is empty - Full Sides 1913 Quad rail - 14inch 2-Piece Aluminum Outer Barrel - 4-Position Extendable
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