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Litwa - 12-14.09.2008

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To whom it may concern


As a reaction to growing military threat from Venezuela and its president dictator Huso, US moved special Task force to the territory of Gambia, close to the border with Venezuela. Recon flights were organized, but one of the aircraft was shot down and pilot imprisoned. Situation became extremely tense as small groups of Venezuela army crossed the boarder and attacked the US base. Command of US task force made a decision, to insert 3 recon groups at night in order to locate the position of main bases and General Huso itself, and then launch an assault with main forces, with final tasks to free the pilot, capture the General and destroy the military structure of Venezuela. Recon missions, although took longer than planned, reached their goal and found 2 main Venezuelan military bases. By 6 a.m. US assembled assault group and attacked the first, biggest base. After furious fight the base was taken, but General Huso was not found, as well as the missing pilot. In the meantime strong tropical rain had started which is not very common in this time of the year. After few hours everybody and everything got wet. It hit the morale of some, but the most tough US troops continued the attacks on remaining Venezuela forces. President Huso was forced to retreat and left the country on the helicopter avoiding our mobile antiaircraft systems with the help of strong rain. According to unconfirmed intel, President Huso found a shelter in one of the neighboring countries, while Venezuela fell into disorder with local troops fighting with each other and various clans.


End of transmission.


Z poprzedniej imprezy:


Photo - http://picasaweb.google.lt/bergetas/SunCity08JungleHeat

Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzvjWaawx7k



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