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Tu macie listę wszystkich pistoletów powtarzalnych w uzyciu przez BW/jednostkach spec/policji i Grenzschutzu w czasach powojennych(oznaczenia kodowe P - jak pistole, dalej MP jak Maschinen Pistole, G jak Gewehr, SG jak Scharfschutzegewehr) włącznie z wycofanymi - oficjalnie służbowym pistoletem jednostek liniowych jest P8 (od 1994), ale jak widać wciąż dużo Walterów P38.



Designation: Pistole 31 – P31

Common Name: Modell 200

Calibre: 5.6×16mmR

Origin: Hämmerli AG, Lenzburg, Switzerland.

Use: Armed forces: special service. OBSOLETE.

Details: Target pistol.


Designation: Pistole 11 – P11

Common Name: P11

Calibre: 7.62×36mm

Origin: Heckler & Koch GmbH, Oberndorf.

Use: Armed forces: special service (1975-). In use with Kampfschwimmer and KSK.

Police forces: special service. In use with GSG9.

Details: Five-barrelled pepperbox-style weapon for underwater use.


Designation: Pistole 21 – P21

Common Name: PPK

Calibre: 7.65×17mmSR

Origin: Carl Walther GmbH, Ulm; Manufacture de Machines du Haut-Rhin (MANURHIN), Mulhouse-Bourtzwiler, France (licensed).

Use: Armed forces: limited service. Formerly in use with pilots and military police. OBSOLETE.

Police forces: limited service. Formerly in use with police forces. OBSOLETE.


Designation: Pistole 22 – P22

Common Name: PP

Calibre: 7.65×17mmSR

Origin: Carl Walther GmbH, Ulm; Manufacture de Machines du Haut-Rhin (MANURHIN), Mulhouse-Bourtzwiler, France (licensed).

Use: Police forces: limited service. Formerly in use with police forces. OBSOLETE.


Designation: Pistole 9 Maritim – P9M

Common Name: Glock 17

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Glock GmbH, Deutsch-Wagram, Austria.

Use: Police forces: special service (1993-). In use with GSG9 (250 acquired), ZUZ, SEK Dresden, SEK Göppingen, and SEK München.

Details: Underwater use possible.


Common Name: Glock 26

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Glock GmbH, Deutsch-Wagram, Austria.

Use: Police forces: special service. In use with GSG9, ZUZ, and SEK Berlin.


Designation: Pistole 7 – P7

Common Name: PSP

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Heckler & Koch GmbH, Oberndorf.

Use: Police forces: general service. In use with GSG9 (1980-), BKA, state police of Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Niedersachsen, Sachsen, SEK Göppingen.


Common Name: P7M8

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Heckler & Koch GmbH, Oberndorf.

Use: Armed forces: limited service (1985-). In use with Feldjäger.

Police forces: general service. In use with BKA, state police of Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Niedersachsen, Sachsen, SEK Göppingen.


Common Name: P7M13

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Heckler & Koch GmbH, Oberndorf.

Use: Police forces: special service. In use with SEK München and SEK Nürnberg.


Designation: Pistole 8 – P8

Common Name: USP

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Heckler & Koch GmbH, Oberndorf.

Use: Bundeswehr: general service (1994-). 20.720 acquired.


Designation: Pistole 8 Combat – P8 Combat

Common Name: USP V3

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Heckler & Koch GmbH, Oberndorf.

Use: Bundeswehr: special service (1997-). In use with KSK and Kampfschwimmer.


Designation: Pistole 10 – P10

Common Name: USP Compact

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Heckler & Koch GmbH, Oberndorf.

Use: Police forces: general service (1997-). In use with state police of Bremen, Saarland, Sachsen, and Thüringen.


Common Name: P2000 V1

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Heckler & Koch GmbH, Oberndorf.

Use: Police forces: special service (2002-). 400 acquired by SEK Göppingen and other special units in Baden-Württemberg.


Common Name: P2000 V2

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Heckler & Koch GmbH, Oberndorf.

Use: Police forces: general service (2002-). 10,200 acquired by state police of Niedersachsen, replacing P7.


Common Name: P2000 V5

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Heckler & Koch GmbH, Oberndorf.

Use: Police forces: general service (2002-). 25,000 acquired by state police of Baden-Württemberg, replacing P5.


Common Name: P2000SK V2

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Heckler & Koch GmbH, Oberndorf.

Use: Police forces: general service (2004-). 5,000 acquired by state police of Niedersachsen, replacing P7.


Designation: Pistole 2 – P2

Common Name: P210-4

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Schweizerische Industrie-Gesellschaft (SIG), Neuhausen, Switzerland.

Use: Police forces: limited service. In use with BGS. OBSOLETE.


Designation: Pistole 6 – P6

Common Name: P225

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: SIG-Sauer GmbH, Eckernförde.

Use: Police forces: general service. In use with BGS, BKA, Bundeszollpolizei, state police of Berlin (10,000 in 1984), Hamburg, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachsen-Anhalt, and Schleswig-Holstein.


Common Name: P226

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: SIG-Sauer GmbH, Eckernförde.

Use: Armed forces: special service. In use with Fernspäher and Kampfschwimmer.

Police forces: special service. In use with BKA Sicherungsgruppe, PSK Berlin, SEK Berlin, SEK Bielefeld, SEK Köln, SEK Dortmund, SEK Düsseldorf, SEK Essen, SEK Frankfurt, and SEK Münster.


Common Name: P228

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: SIG-Sauer GmbH, Eckernförde.

Use: Police forces: general service. In use with BKA Sicherungsgruppe and state police of Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.


Common Name: P229

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: SIG-Sauer GmbH, Eckernförde.

Use: Police forces: special service. In use with BKA Sicherungsgruppe.


Common Name: P239

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: SIG-Sauer GmbH, Eckernförde.

Use: Police forces: limited service. In use with female officers in Brandenburg.


Designation: Pistole 1 – P1

Common Name: P38

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Carl Walther GmbH, Ulm.

Use: Armed forces: general service (1955-). Standard sidearm. Being replaced by H&K P8 since 1994, but still in widespread use.


Designation: Pistole 5 – P5

Common Name: P5

Calibre: 9×19mm

Origin: Carl Walther GmbH, Ulm.

Use: Police forces: general service. In use with state police of Rheinland-Pfalz and Baden-Württemberg (being replaced by P2000 V5 since late 2002).


Common Name: Model 38 Bodyguard

Calibre: 9×29mmR

Origin: Smith & Wesson (S&W), Springfield, USA.

Use: Police forces: special service. In use with BKA Sicherungsgruppe.


Common Name: Model 649 Bodyguard

Calibre: 9×29mmR

Origin: Smith & Wesson (S&W), Springfield, USA.

Use: Police forces: special service. In use with SEK Dresden, SEK München, and SEK Nürnberg.


Common Name: Model 19 Combat Magnum

Calibre: 9×33mmR

Origin: Smith & Wesson (S&W), Springfield, USA.

Use: Police forces: special service. In use with GSG9, MEK Hamburg, and SEK Göppingen.


Designation: Pistole 12 – P12

Common Name: USP Tactical

Calibre: 11.43×23mm

Origin: Heckler & Koch GmbH, Oberndorf.

Use: Armed forces: special service (2000-). In use with Kampfschwimmer and KSK.

Details: Detachable sound-suppressor.

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