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Custom Sapi for 10pln arround...

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...no plan what such a washmachine plate cost in poland. In Austria you get it for 10euro (40pln) arround.



REQUPOL is the material called. Strong between 6-10mm



Watch self, you only need a cutter.




Option A) you have allready a sapi for the size or i guess you also can find in internet the size.


You only need a good CUTTER. ^^


And at the End, tape arround (for protection against water, cause i am not sure how this gummi material is reacting with water...^^)





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Is this advertising offer, some kind of spam?


For what purpose you want to use it? as a filling? protection? weight?

Maibe you should use EVA foam? It is lightweight, waterproof and great provides great protection. It costs about 15-20zl / m2 so it is enough to build you own HALO costume :)

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To są podkłady amortyzujące pod pralki więc obstawiam sklepy z AGD lub markety budowlane. Pisałem o tym pomyśle już jakiś czas temu (o tu), ale wtedy nikt mi nie powiedział, że to "good idea" :icon_cry:



ABSOLUT BARSLEEPER: as for your concerns of how it reacts with water, I'd say It doesn't react at all. It's basically made of rubber (there might be some scraps of plastics like polyethylene etc.) and it is destined to be used in the bathroom where it's obviously exposed to water (spills, leakage from washing machine etc.). Anyway covering it with duct tape is a very good idea as it simply looks better.

I was also thinking about using these pads but my idea was to glue together two of them and put some slightly bent piece of metal (flat aluminium bar) inbetween to give them the curves for more like SAPI look.

Edited by Pietracha
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zupełnie nie rozumiem buludupy w poście @nrv. ale może jestem zbyt mało polaczkowy.

to nie ból dupy, tylko na forum krakowskim przez brak moderowania dostajemy tyle spamu ze czasem lepiej zapytac

A idei autora moglem nie zrozumiec, bo jesli chodzi o wage i realizm to nie wnikam (tyle w offtopie ) :)

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[...]jesli chodzi o wage i realizm to nie wnikam (tyle w offtopie ) :icon_smile:

Jeśli chodzi o realizm, to jest on taki sam, jak w przypadku innych replik - złudny.

Co do wagi - podkłady te robione są z mocno prasowanej gumy przez co są dosyć ciężkie. Są stosunkowo sztywne i twarde. Kopia SAPI zrobiona z jednej warstwy takiego podkładu nie będzie miała wagi oryginału, ale gdy dołoży się drugą warstwę to waga może być już odpowiednia.

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Sorry guys, my polish isn´t that good that I have to answer in english. Shouldn´t be problem at all. I translate your Posts.


@NRV: why should I post this as a offer sprezdam. Maybe my mistake was to post something with price. Maybe the prices in poland are different, can´t imagine that it will be double expensive over there here in your country.




Maybe i missed the wrong rubrik, sorry for that, some MOD could place to the correct topic folder !?


I just wanted to show what I have done today, I have a JPC (Red River) and without Plates inside it really sucks. Cause I have no plan what size it is (L?) I don´t want to buy expensive Sapis. I know there is one on allegro who makes 1:1 copies of them for arround 150pln, thats bit to much for me, or better said, there is no need at moment for such stuff. So I wanted to make some custom stuff.


I don´t need 1:1 original size / weight. There are different sizes....6mm, up to 10mm. Original are something between 15 and 20mm, have to check.


It was basic about the have some weight and some more stabil hold, and how one user wrote, you can form it a little bit with tape ! :)

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Dość gruby ten materiał, ale czy dwie warstwy dadzą wagę zbliżoną do oryginału? Bo trzy raczej nie będą trzymać jednego z wymiarów...

Te podkłady można znaleźć na Allegro. Na niektórych aukcjach podana jest gęstość materiału. Można sobie zatem łatwo policzyć, ile będzie ważyć kopia SAPI z tej gumy.

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