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Dutch Airsoft Team looks for game in Poland

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Im Franck from the Dutch team CDSF and i have a question

We are looking for a game in Poland in week 50 18 and 19 December.

Can someone help me with finding something , we played in alot countrys and like to visit Poland too.

Maybee someone off you guys can give me some tips or good websites where i can find something , i cant read Polish so its difficult.

We prefer milsims but it wont be a problem when its just a normal game.


Hope to find something and the best for us will be around the German border.


Greetings Franck

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you found the biggest site about airsoft in Poland, so it's best hoice. I really doubt if you find any big game 5 days before Christmas. Most people will be busy at home, helping their families. You can only find any local game, but I think i would be 15-20 persons op, and it would be regular skirmish. You should choose better date for trip to Poland :)

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Ok Thanks


But for this time we want a normal little game agains a local team. On Sunday 19 December

Its gone be our last year game and we like to have a little game with some team near the German border .

And have some good time after the game with food and beer hahaha.

So if somebody of you guys know something or want to organise a game please let me know.

All our 20 members want to go.


Greetings Franck

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  • 2 weeks later...



Im Franck from the Dutch team CDSF and i have a question

We are looking for a game in Poland in week 50 18 and 19 December.

Can someone help me with finding something , we played in alot countrys and like to visit Poland too.

Maybee someone off you guys can give me some tips or good websites where i can find something , i cant read Polish so its difficult.

We prefer milsims but it wont be a problem when its just a normal game.


Hope to find something and the best for us will be around the German border.


Greetings Franck


Hello Franck i'm recon i would like you inwite to visit to website my airsoft and military reconstruction team http://www.polskiejednostkispecjalne.org/ . If you are interesting contact with me and my "soldiers" please write: seal1968@o2.pl


ps. Sorry for my english :)

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Hm..... millsim in the middle of winter,when temperature falls somethimes up to -25*C or below , you want to do a millsim and sleep in tents .. In my opinion , it is wrong idea.

As Foka said: it is not the best time to visit and airsofting, especially just a couple days before Chrismass , who are treated by society as 3-days off celebtration ( most of stores, offices and factrories are closed during this time, public communication do sunday service ).


Come in at least in March or April till November.

One very important thing -we do not have fps limits or restriction , except CQB -350-360fps , so you can meet people who have fully automatic aegs with at least 500 fps at the end of barrell . For that reasons and few others, I prefer airsofting in the UK.

Edited by johny13
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One very important thing -we do not have fps limits or restriction , except CQB -350-360fps , so you can meet people who have fully automatic aegs with at least 500 fps at the end of barrell .
This is no true. There is no general limit, but some milsim system used in Poland or some groups do have and use limits. Two most popular milsim system - CCS and MCS do have limits.
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I be sorry to offtop but sammo yo polisha airsoftplaya hato take english lessons asap aight ;)


especial you mods and webmastas :biggrin: cos you dem guys that be makin' us who we is to da worldwide airsoft community


just a remark to avoid further setbacks like the eyesores I've just encountered reading some of the former posts- not a complaint (God forbid!) just a remark...


PS: by the way- if the temperature DROPS UP TO -25 degrees it means either the world is upside down or we're in Australia :wink:


content's nice though... :wub:

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Well... since you put it that way... I do pay attention to detail in this matter. Always.


See it's our language skills I'm worried about, not our guests' . It's not only the muscle and wit that matter- it's the skill as well, let's be all we can be ;) :cool:



Enough OT


Franck- You definitely should and will find a small skirmish in any of the two areas shown above by Foka at the given time. Try one out and keep in touch so we can give You a rough sketch of the milsim schedule for 2011. I believe You should find enough time to take a swing at any one of these- especially with a few month's notice.



All the best! :wink:



PS: truely cool films (I liked the ATV buggies the most :cool: ) but did the dogs wear any eye protection?? :icon_biggrin:

Edited by Gor
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Well... since you put it that way... I do pay attention to detail in this matter. Always.


See it's our language skills I'm worried about, not our guests' . It's not only the muscle and wit that matter- it's the skill as well, let's be all we can be ;) :cool:



Enough OT


Franck- You definitely should and will find a small skirmish in any of the two areas shown above by Foka at the given time. Try one out and keep in touch so we can give You a rough sketch of the milsim schedule for 2011. I believe You should find enough time to take a swing at any one of these- especially with a few month's notice.



All the best! :wink:



PS: truely cool films (I liked the ATV buggies the most :cool: ) but did the dogs wear any eye protection?? :icon_biggrin:



No eye protection for the dog hahaha It belongs to a Portugees guy and i thing it was offgame only.


Guys relax about your English , its good enough to understand eathother and my english isn't perfect eather.

Not talking about my Polish hahaha

We won't go for a milsim this time maybee later on all we want to do is a one day game and we are not afread about -25 or +45 dc

We like the extremes , but i don't think it will be -25 in December but we'll see

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's up Franck.

That's pretty cool that you guys like to travel and meet new teams - great idea...

I see you have already made some arrangements with Recon01 to do a semi MilSim - that's great.

We are more about MilSims too, and we too like to travel and meet (and kill ;) new people - but around Poland basically. It's a huge country and the MilSim scene is not very centralized (unfortunately).

We usually gather about 30+ something soldiers - if the MilSim or training is considered as our "obligatory" meeting in our calendar. Those obligatory events - we usually plan at least 3 months ahead, and for 2011 we will try to plan a whole year ahead. So maybe meeting with You guys came to our attention a little bit too late (we have a CQB training in mind, on our Warsaw training range) but maybe we could stay in touch and try to do something serious later in 2011.

I think alone, the English radio communication will be a great asset to RTOs involved in the MilSim not even mentioning exchanging experiences.

Please feel free to visit out home page: www.fia.com.pl

Our English intro: http://www.fia.com.pl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=9

Our Photo Galleries: http://fia.com.pl//index.php?option=com_picaweb&Itemid=61

And some Videos: http://fia.com.pl//index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=107&Itemid=103


Cheers and see ya on the battlefield.


Chewbacca The Wookie :P


ps. Would love to know more about the rules you guys use in MilSims...

Edited by Czubaka
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