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First Response 2009 "RED DRAGON RISING"

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Może, bo nawet w ludzim języku pisane :mrgreen:


Podstawowe informacje to termin: 24-26 kwiatnia 2009 ( 24go planowany jest scenariusz nocny). Miejsce rozgrywki to poligon Gajunaj, miejscowość Rukła, powiat Janowos.

Wpisowe dla mieszkańców strefy Szengen 15 Eur, w cenie są pamiątkowe naszywki, woda pitna, opieka medyczna, stałe wyżywienie w respownach (herbata i zupa),

prąd, oraz transport na terenie rozgrywki (teren 10 km kw). Nocleg w namiotach i uprzedzjaą, że może być chłodno ;-) Zgłoszenia do 15.04 na adres info@raccoon.lt

Dalsze informacje niedługo... KONIEC ;-)

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The Legend


All events described are fictional, any coincidence with the actual facts, past or present, is purely incidental.


The year is 2011. The length of the global economic crisis has left the world exhausted. The prices of oil and gas are down to the level of the year 1917. UNESCO has declared the year of global depression. To everyone's surprise, China makes a recovery, restarts its economy at outrageous rates, conquers te world markets with its cheap production. The global analysts cannot explain this phenomenon, suspicions are raised that the Cinese have discovered a yet unknown source of exceptionally cheap energy. The USA politicians begon observing a threat to the global security in this strengthening of China. Even though the Chinese army is not very well-trained or provided, it has multiple management problems, it still becomes one of the most numerous in the world. With the last of its financial reserves, the USA start a secret program, code-named "The Eye of Horus" - a latest technology satelite network is launched into the Earth orbit to spy on the Cinese and their accomplices. The information from the satelite allows to make early estimations of the processes in China, and the American leaders expect to prevent any signs of aggresional outbreaks, which reduces some of the political tension. The winter is over, the spring brings a certain optimism...


On the morning of the 24th of April, 2011, the world is shaken by an incredible news – China has used a DF-21 class ballistic missile to destroy one of „The Eye of Horus“ program satelites. Just before explosion a capsule with the satelite's info and the control codes of other satelites of the system was dispatched and is falling on the border between China and Russia...



The President of the United States orders to ensure that the satelite's info and technology would not go to the Chinese at any cost...



The Russian troops Nr. PZ479-KB774 is dislocated far from the large cities, in an almost uninhabited territory about 3 km from the Russian-Chinese border. A while ago its main task was to guard the airport at the border and keep the control of the national border, but after the provision of the army became increasingly poor, the contingent has decreased several times, and the leaders have become despondent, without proper leadership, the state border is left pretty much unguarded. The talk of the region is that the Chinese spies have been observed several times in the Russian territory, but the leaders of the troops deny that categorically. There have been no major conflicts with China ever since WWII, and China declares its friendship to Russia, and the Russian leaders see no need to change that. The airport is hardly ever used and mostly unguarded, only sometimes checked upon by a Russian patrol. On the eve there have been some problems with the connection to the army leadership in Moscow. The leaders of the troops are still investigating whether that was slobbishness of the technicians or a diversion.



The global community is following the events, but even the most professional forecasters dare not guess what will happen...



Brought to you by: RACCOON, KK-TEAM, F.A.S.T.



Dress codes for the sides:




1. People's Liberation Army camo;

2. OD green;

3. Mixed camo (OD green trousers preferable).



1. Flora;

2. Gorka;

3. Beriozka.


United States of America:

1. Multicam;

2. ACU;

3. Marpat;

4. Desert.




Other versions of the uniforms actually used in the states mentioned are possible, but must be pre-arranged with the organisers prior to registration.


Woodland pattern of the uniforms are not permitted for the USA players. „Mixed camo“ uniform must consist of several different patterns in the top part (jacket, etc.) and pants. As mentioned, OD or other type of signle-colour pants are preferable.



Registration fee:


Lithuanian residents – 60 LT


Residents of other Shengen countries – 15 EUR


Non-Shengen residents – 5 EUR



The price includes (to date):


Patches, WC, paramedics, drinking water, food (in the „dead zone“ during the game hot tea and soup will be served), transportation within the game.



Location – Gaižiūnai (Rukla) polygon in Jonava district, Time – 2009/04/24 (night mission) – 25. After the game a possibility to stay and share until the next day. Accomodation in tents, please take care of them yourself. Please have in mind that weather can still be cold at this time of the year and be adequately prepared.



Registration 2009/03/15-2009/04/15 via email info@raccoon.lt



More info coming soon before the beginning of the registration. Ask the organisers in the „FAQ“ section or via email above.

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Właśnie siedzę w pracy ale myślami ciągle jeszcze jestem na zlocie. Chcę pogratulowac doskonałego klimatu i organizacji. To nie tylko moja opinia ale też całego Polish Team'u! Ungvorox good work! Chętnie zawitamy do Ciebie na następne edycje strzelanek. Panowie gorąco polecam wypady do Naszych sąsiadów na Litwę!

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Polska i Litwa znajdują się w strefie Schengen...


Daarkh właściwie wszystko powiedział. Dołączam się do podziękowań.

Dzięki Ungvorox, miło było Cię poznać i zapraszamy do Białegostoku na strzelanie. Jak będziemy organizować coś większego, to dam Ci znać na privie.


Dzięki jeszcze raz.



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..ungvorox, nie gniewaj się na Nasz Team za możliwośc zagrożenia friendly airstrike na Nasz team (hungry boys are bad boys) który bronił budynku z pozytywnym skutkiem ale gdyby było choc trochę zupy.... Zrobimy wszystko (przejdziemy przez bagna) zdobędziemy i obronimy wszystko tylko co chcesz hi, hi, hi. Widziałeś to sam. Czekamy na dalsze edycje strzelanek w Waszych Pięknych Stronach!

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Nic strasznego troche byliscia w niewiedzy regul troche v izolacji radiowej.

Nie bylo planowanego jedzenia na pierwshy poranek z powodow braku czasu na start gry a przy tym :) glodny drapieznik jest na duzo wiencej niebezpieczny ;)

W sumie wszystko sie udalo

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dokladnie Hajduk i reszta Polish Teamu dala rade piaskom poligonu i mokrym bagnom. Klimat niedoopisania kazdy nastepny RED DRAGON Polish Teamu to nie RED DRAGON :uśmiech:





POdziekowania za organizacje i wielki trud wlozony w organizacje tej imprezy Ungvorox naprawde wielki szacun

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