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polish army uniform (foot soldier)

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where the f*ck can i find a polish army uniform for a cheap price? allegro and i are hating each other beacuse i cant find a shit :S


help a fellow air softer to happines and pls tell how i can find a uniform


i know the polish law and i think it sucks but i will play as a polish soldier in sweden

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"Allegro › Kolekcje › Militaria › Umundurowanie i Wyposażenie › Polska › po 1990"


try use keyword "bluza" for upper part of a uniform

try use keyword "spodnie" for lower part of a uniform

try use keyword "mundur" for full set of a uniform

try use keyword "kapelusz" for boonie-hat


I think that's all, also you can find someone on this board who can sell you this uniform selecting good size for you.

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i play normanly in m90 (swedish cammo) my stats whit my swe uniform is 180 cm and 85kg i dont know you count in poland. can some one count out my size?


but i want to find the real deal not BDU crapy uniform. bdu ar shit. i want the real deal. i was in a shop today in wroclaw and saw the bdu crap in polish camoflauge

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1. Watch your language, do not swear so much.


Stop bitching, you twat :o)


M90_FFS - have you ever tried "the real deal"? Believe me, it really sucks donkey balls. What MIWO makes might not be perfect, but it's way better that the issue shite, I'd try this if I were you.

If you REALLY need the "genuine" stuff, look for ripstop version. It is issued to Polish troops, but it sucks a tad less.


BTW... Why the Polish uniform, FFS? :o)

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sry for my swearing


my stats is :obwód kllatki piersiowej -104 cm,

długosc rekawa 66cm

szerokość pleców 30 cm


pas - 94 cm

obwód bioder - 110-111 cm

Dlugość spodni 100- 101 cm


thats my grandma who helped me. i hope thats enuogh (i think thats a litlle bit more information than needed)




i want the real stuff beacuse there is better quality on the material and it dosent break down that fast. my m90 is from 1989 and it still holds :-o. i buyed an bdu uniform and 4 times in airsoft games it broke :cry: woodland camo. i want to buy polish beacuse its rare and hard to get. i think to start a team who are "polish" troops

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Well you said what are your sizes. Polish uniforms don't have small/mediem etc. siezes. Jackets are marked as 180/90 what ist height/chest, and trousers height/waist, so you can choose the best option for you.

As Giersu said polish uniforms realy aren't so good, but if you realy whant it take ona made of rip-stop.

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Guest JOPJ

Maybe search "orzeł" in "kolekcje>militaria" on allegro.pl, but you must searching eagle from present, not "LWP, "PRL" eagle, because that eagles are from our previous political system. You know, CCCP etc. ;) and that eagles don't have crown.




EDIT: You make illegal thing, when you sew on this eagle on your clothes and shops can't sell you ANY part of our uniform.


(I must edit, because this post have not any sense :P. To more edits...)

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But man from ranger.pl says me, that he can't sell wz.93, because that's illegal (that was 5-6 months ago). And you can't buy polish uniform i shop- only in allegro... It's interesting....

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