Okota Posted October 6, 2004 Report Share Posted October 6, 2004 nic dziwnego ze sie polowalo na foki :P :lol: :wink: sorry :P no offence 8) Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WOjtas^ Posted October 19, 2004 Report Share Posted October 19, 2004 AA:SF (VANGUARD) V2.2 AVAILABLE! Info oficialne: http://www.americasarmy.com/intel/fullstory.php?i=1221 You heard right! The newest version (v2.2) of AA:SF, codename America's Army: Special Forces (Vanguard) has been released, Tuesday, 19 Oct 2004 for Windows clients. This latest release in the America's Army game series offers many client and server fixes as well as two additional Special Forces missions. What's New New Multiplayer Missions Included in this version of America's Army are two new multiplayer missions. Both of these new missions are Special Forces missions containing both the Special Forces playable Soldier class, as well as the Indigenous Forces playable class. - SF Oasis: Enemy forces have established an outpost from which to launch reconnaissance patrols and conduct ambushes of friendly indigenous forces operating in a remote desert location. Reconnaissance of the outpost must be conducted in order to identify the location of this guerilla base. A Special Forces ODA, along with the help of Indigenous Forces, must then proceed to the proper safe location in order to upload their reconnaissance findings to HQ. - SF Taiga: Enemy forces purchased a small number of SAGGER anti-armor missiles to better equip their counter-insurgency forces. They are hiding these missiles within civilian camps along a high-altitude mountain road. These missiles will enable the nsurgency to ambush both civilian and government convoys at extended ranges. A Special Forces ODA along with Indigenous Forces has been deployed to locate and destroy SAGGER missile caches in order to disrupt enemy combat operations within the area of operations. What's Fixed Client: - Fixed various client crashes -"'JRTC Farm Raid" filters correctly in server browser - Running in 16-bit windowed mode no longer has render errors - Fixed reflex sight accuracy - Fixing "ROE" URL on support page and new-map URL - Disable "set" command for non-config variables (devmode exploit) - Fix Auth Failure messages that have a URL Server: - Minor memory fixes - Fixed various server/client crashes - Remove "query" exploit - Fixed server stability issues - Fixed Admin spectate command - Memory Leak fixes - Fixed pb admin commands What's Changed - Admin kicks no longer give ROE - Admins can join Min/Max Honor servers - Admin text is displayed as red - Allow normal user to be admins on Leased servers - Disable player color codes - Add option to restrict by groups - GameSpy: Display third-party icon - GameSpy: Display groups field in server info - Allow Auth to set third-party flag - Added "Invalid Group" failure message - Save Group information to savefile - Notify the player before joining a server that has Group restrictions Check the downloads pages and grab AA:SF (Vanguard) v2.2 now! Temat na forum polskiego centrum gry: http://www.americasarmy.pl/forum/viewtopic...t=10164&start=0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Jarcher Posted October 24, 2004 Report Share Posted October 24, 2004 Jest to patch aktualizujący grę do nowszej wersji. :o Jak sprawują się nowe mapki - Taiga i Oasis? Ja miałem okazję tylko odpalić w konsoli z powodu wysokich pingów w sieci, dzięki którym nie mogę chwilowo grać. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WOjtas^ Posted October 24, 2004 Report Share Posted October 24, 2004 Taige gralem z pol roku temu. Nie sodpobala mi sie wcale. Teraz nie odpalalem, ale z tego co slyszalem, to po prostu nowy arctic, troche wiekszy i troche bardziej kamperski. Oasis - specyficzna mapa. Niby def ma duza przewage, ale jednak jak gralem to mniej wiecej po pol wychodzilo w rundach. Dosc kamperska, ale calkiem przyjemnie sie gra, tylko widac kto na jakich ustawieniach gra. Jedni widza inna mgle niz pozostali, wiec troche to czasem wkurza. Sporo bledow, tradycynie, ale za to niektore stare wywalili. Przede wszystkim juz tak nie laguje, po za tym criticale nie sa juz tak czeste. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Hamster Posted October 25, 2004 Report Share Posted October 25, 2004 Witam Mam straszny problem! Ukończyłem test strzelecki z wynikiem 37, dalej test snajperski był nie katywny więc wpisałem poen m24_range ale niestety zadnym sposobem nie mogę przejść tego testu! Czy ktoś wie co się dzieje. Bardzo proszę o pomoc! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Jarcher Posted October 25, 2004 Report Share Posted October 25, 2004 A co się dzieje/co robisz że go nie ukańczasz? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Hamster Posted October 25, 2004 Report Share Posted October 25, 2004 Przy strzelaniu na teście do białego celu zawsze pisze mi że nie trafiłem. Za pierwszym razem myślałem że to moja wina ale za 20 :) tymbardziej ze trafiam bez problemu cel na treningu który jest dalej. Właśnie przeczytałem że w wersi 2.2 mają jakiś problem z tym testem i dopiero to naprawiają! Dziękuje za pomoc!!! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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